Snickerdoodle Overnight Oats

Hi there! I’m a little late on my usual weekly post (sorry!) because work has been CRAY. I just love that new year hustle and bustle (read: panic, meltdowns, and nonstop fires to put out). Ah yes, the fun and fantastic world of consulting! But I digress, let’s talk about something much more fun: likeRead more

Green Glow Detox Juice

After multiple Thanksgiving meals and all of the leftovers, it’s time for a serious time out :) My body has been craving greens, and I needed to step up my game from my usual Easy Green Smoothie. Sometimes, your body and organs just need a detox from everything. Without a good detox, your organs can become overloaded andRead more

Perfect Pumpkin Muffins

It’s officially fall, y’all!!!! Sometimes I can’t resist rhyming. Sorry, I digress.  In honor of the first week of fall, I’m bringing you a surprising new favorite recipe at our house: Perfect Pumpkin Muffins :) I say it’s surprising because I’ve never made (or eaten) anything with pumpkin. Not even a pumpkin spice latte, whichRead more